
Professional Development Resources

Questions about Pro-D? Please email:

Pro-D Application Forms

Joint Professional Development Policy

Attend an online Well Teacher Group:

Teaching in today’s world is no easy feat. The pressure educators face both in and out of the classroom can take a toll on their physical and mental well-being. Balancing demanding classroom environments with the need to support friends and family often leaves teachers with little room to prioritize their own self-care.

The Well Teacher Groups offer a supportive space where educators can come together with colleagues and a trained wellness facilitator to focus on their health and well-being. This innovative program, created by Wade Repta, author of The Well Teacher, was designed to help educators find balance and restore their wellness in the midst of their busy lives.

Register Here

Join a Provincial Specialist Association (PSA)

Here’s who can join a Provincial Specialist Association:

BCTF members can join as members.

Students in post-secondary programs leading to BC teacher certification, retired BCTF members, independent school teachers and others not affiliated with the BCTF can join as subscribers.

Join Here

See the BCTF Events Calendar Here