
Remedy Resources

Questions about Remedy? Please email:

The MRTA manages the Remedy funds as per an on-going Letter of Agreement with SD42; the funds can be spent on teacher opportunities for Professional Learning which can include activities and items such as:

A. Credit Courses – this can be courses relating to teacher Education programs, such as a Masters, further post-secondary course work in an ‘interest/focus area’, etc. No application required.

B. Field Trips – costs associated to taking a class on an approved field trip. No application required.

C. Resources to Support Teacher Learning – resources for teacher use to support the exploration and expansion of your teaching practice. Application required.

D. Professional Learning Opportunities – workshops & other shorter programming that have no attached certification. Application required.

Claims must be a minimum of $150, unless remedy balance is less.

All reimbursements for Remedy will be made upon the presentation of a completed remedy claim form (A & B) or completed & signed Remedy Expense Voucher form (C & D), accompanied by ALL RECEIPTS in CAD.

Remedy Claim/Application Forms

You can also get the Remedy application forms from your school Pro-D Rep.